Flux Blox Presenter | flux Flux Blox Presenter | flux

Folds down in a snap

Just pop out the top and bottom with a flick of your thumb and the presenter folds down to a super flat package that is only 7% of its original volume.

The Flux Blox Presenter

Our new product line of space-saving elements for events and exhibitions.
Next to our patented curved lines, we now also offer a simple, straight look.
We’ve made the design strong by combining our tried-and-tested foldable PP material with
sturdy slabs of locally sourced oak wood*.


We love it when things fit perfectly into other things. When the Blox Display slides sleekly into its notch, it makes anything that stands underneath look like a million bucks.

Flux Blox Presenter


The presenter is available in two sizes: 30×30 and 40×40 cm. And three different heights: 60, 80 and 100 cm.
The tops are made out of solid oak with a matte lacquered finish.
For other sizes, finishes or customisation options please contact us.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Display for Presenter


We love it when things fit perfectly into other things.
When the Blox Display slides sleekly into its notch, it makes anything that stands underneath look like a million bucks.
Material: Acryllic (a.k.a. Plexiglass)

SKU: N/A Category:

flux bag 2


Flux bag for Column / Workbar / ARC-counter / BLOX-presenter (max 2 pieces)
